Current Issue

Volume: 6 Issue: 2, 12/31/24

Year: 2024
Statistics, Statistical Data Science
Education, Education Management, Leadership in Education, In-Service Training
Linguistic Structures (Incl. Phonology, Morphology and Syntax)
Assoc. Prof. Dr. Kamil Arif KIRKIÇ İstanbul Sabahattin Zaim Üniversitesi 0000-0002-8902-437X
Education, Curriculum Development in Education, Curriculum Evaluation in Education, Curriculum Design Instructional Theories, Instructional Design, Teacher Education and Professional Development of Educators
Sociology of Music, Music, Music Performance, Musicology and Ethnomusicology, Interpretation in Turkish Classical Music
Psychological Counseling and Guidance
Res. Assist. M. Furkan TUNÇ İSTANBUL SABAHATTİN ZAİM ÜNİVERSİTESİ 0000-0001-6370-1507
Cross-Cultural Scale Adaptation, Psychological Counseling and Guidance, Psychological Counseling and Guidance (Other)

The aim of Istanbul Sabahattin Zaim University Journal of Education Faculty is to publish scientific researches in the field of education and to contribute to the literature.

In the field of education, scientific articles including critical ideas, evaluation, meta-analysis studies, original ideas and model proposals are included in the publication of the journal.


Publication Ethics

The publication process of the IZU Journal of Education is strictly based on producing, developing and sharing knowledge following purely scientific methods.
Refereed journal articles are studies that require scientific methods and provide objectivity. Each component of the publication process (publisher, editors, authors, reviewers and readers) should conform to the ethical rules for scientific production. Within this context, the policies of publication ethics and open access also require all components of the publication process to conform to the ethical principles, in direction of guides and policies of Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), as “Code of Conduct and Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors” and “COPE Best Practice Guidelines for Journal Editors”.
In cases where the author(s) of the manuscript use(s) falsified and fabricated data, this will be reported to the institution of the authors where they work and reject the manuscript immediately. The editorial members of the journal and/or the reviewers reserve the right to ask author(s) to provide raw data used in the manuscript.
The Responsibilities of the IZU Journal of Education Editorial Board
• The Editorial Board of IZU Journal of Education is responsible for all processes of the articles sent to the journal. This responsibility requires deciding independently by considering public interest, not personal gains. The relationship between the Publisher and the Editorial Board is based on independence policy, and all decisions of the editors are independent from the publisher and the other persons and institutions.
• The Editorial Board of IZU Journal of Education strives for the continuous development of the journal, the suitability of the articles to the field, meeting the needs of the authors and readers alike, and increasing the quality of the publications.
• The Editorial Board of IZU Journal of Education defines the “Double-Blind Review and Evaluation Process” of the journal and makes sure that all the processes are carried out accordingly. It allows the evaluation process to be conducted objectively, scientifically and impartially by keeping the referee and the author information confidential.
• The Editorial Board of IZU Journal of Education keeps all the information about the articles uploaded to the system confidential until the articles gets published, and also protects the copyrights of the published articles.
• The Editorial Board of IZU Journal of Education takes precautions regarding unscientific-unethical behavior, plagiarism, posting (citation) issues during the publication process of the articles. When faced with such issues involving ethical violations, it takes the necessary actions by adhering to the journal’s policy and procedures.

The Responsibilities of Editors, Assistant Editors and Field Editors

• Editors strive to inform reviewers, authors, researchers and readers, to answer their questions clearly within the principle of clarity.
• Editors examine the submitted articles at the pre-evaluation stage and assign them to the relevant field editor, examine the referee suggestions and forward the referee evaluations to the author(s).
• Editors consider originality, contribution to the field, clarity of expressions, content and validity and reliability of the articles while they make decisions about the article publication.
• Editors implement the policies of the blind-review and evaluation processes, keep personal identity information of the authors, and provide impartial evaluation process in due of time for the articles.
• Editors strive to have a large number or reviewers, and they also update the number continuously.
• Editors ensure that journal publishing processes are operated in accordance with publishing policies and guidelines and inform those who are in the process of the developments on publishing policies.
• Editors make sure that all the errors, inconsistencies or misleading errors in articles are corrected.
• Editors protect the intellectual property rights of the published articles and defend the rights of the journal and the author(s) in case of violation. Editors also take the necessary precautions to ensure that the content of the published articles does not infringe the intellectual property rights of any other publication. They control both authenticity and similarity.
• Editors care about documenting the explicit consent of the participants of the article, and request ethics committee approval for the participants of the article.

Ethical Responsibilities of Reviewers

IZU Journal of Educations has a double-blind review process in the article evaluation where the identities of the author(s) and referees are hidden (the authors and referees do not see or know each other’s names). Referees cannot communicate directly with authors. The article evaluation forms and the notes specified on the text and the correction requests are forwarded to the author(s) through the editors and the journal management system.
Referees who will evaluate the articles submitted to the IZU Journal of Education should have the following ethical responsibilities:
• Reviewers should only accept to evaluate the articles related to the field of their specializations.
• Reviewers should make the evaluation impartially and confidentially.
• If reviewers notice that there is a conflict or collaboration of interest, they should inform the editors and refuse to evaluate the article.
• Reviewers must evaluate articles with a constructive attitude in accordance with the rules of academic etiquette. They should avoid any insulting and hostile personal comments.
• Reviewers should evaluate the articles they agreed to review within the given evaluation time.

Ethical Responsibilities of the Authors

The ethical responsibilities of the authors that apply to IZU Journal of Education should have the following ethical principles:

• It is expected that the author(s) should submit original articles.
• Author(s) cannot have their work in the application process in more than one journal at the same time. Each application should start following the completion of the previous application. Work published in another journal cannot be submitted.
• Author(s) must fill in the Copyright and Author Agreement together with the submitted article and upload it to the system with personal (wet) signature.
• Author(s) must have obtained legal permissions for any copyrighted elements they use in their articles. The journal is not responsible for copyright problems arising from the use of any element.
• Author(s) should cite the sources they use during the writing of the article and correctly in line with ethical principles.
• If the raw data are requested from the author(s) during the evaluation process, the expected data and information should be shared with the editorial and the scientific board.
• Author(s) must have the rights to use of the data used, the necessary permissions for research and analysis, and document that they have obtained the approval of the participants they researched on.
• Author(s) should state that they have received the approval of the ethics committee for studies that require collection through quantitative or qualitative methods such as experiments, questionnaires, scales, interviews, observations, focus group studies that require the decision of the ethics committee decision to the system with the application of the article.
• Author(s) should notify the editors of the persons who have a conflict of interest or a common interest regarding the submitted article.
• Author(s) should contact the editor to inform, correct and retract when they notice an error in the evaluation, early viewing or electronically published article.

Notification of any Non-Ethical Issues to the Editor

In case of an encounter of any kind of unethical situation in the IZU Journal of Education, this issue should be directly reported to:

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